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Aqua JS API allows you to manage all aspects of Aqua development from your JS projects.

To install the Aqua API package:

npm install --save @fluencelabs/aqua-api
npm install --save @fluencelabs/aqua-api


API compiles high-level Aqua code into low-level AIR instructions that can be used with Fluence JS client to make peer-to-peer calls.

API has only one function:

export class Compiler {
compile(input: Input | Path | Call, imports: string[], config?: AquaConfig): Promise<CompilationResult>;
export class Compiler {
compile(input: Input | Path | Call, imports: string[], config?: AquaConfig): Promise<CompilationResult>;

where input can be:

  • Aqua code as a string
export class Input {
input: string
export class Input {
input: string
  • Path to .aqua file or directory with .aqua files.
  • Note: paths must be absolute
export class Path {
path: string
export class Path {
path: string
  • Information about a function that you want to call. It wraps aqua code to gather and print call result. Also, it checks correctness of arguments.
export class Call {
functionCall: string
arguments: any
input: Input | Path
export class Call {
functionCall: string
arguments: any
input: Input | Path
  • imports is a path to files that is necessary for compilation but not needed to be compiled into AIR functions. More information here.
  • config is the following AquaConfig data structure
export class AquaConfig {
// compiler log level. Default: info
logLevel?: string
// constants can be defined or overrided by this option
constants?: string[]
// switches off error bubbling to initiator. Default: false
noXor?: boolean
// switches off first hop to relay peer. Default: false
noRelay?: boolean
export class AquaConfig {
// compiler log level. Default: info
logLevel?: string
// constants can be defined or overrided by this option
constants?: string[]
// switches off error bubbling to initiator. Default: false
noXor?: boolean
// switches off first hop to relay peer. Default: false
noRelay?: boolean

More info about overridable constants here.

Compilation result:

export class CompilationResult {
// list of compiled services. Can be useful to create handlers for this services
services: Record<string, ServiceDef>
// list of Aqua functions
functions: Record<string, AquaFunction>
// information about function that is compiled with `Call` input
functionCall?: AquaFunction
// list of compilation errors in Aqua code. If not empty, then compilation failed and other fields will be empty
errors: string[]
export class CompilationResult {
// list of compiled services. Can be useful to create handlers for this services
services: Record<string, ServiceDef>
// list of Aqua functions
functions: Record<string, AquaFunction>
// information about function that is compiled with `Call` input
functionCall?: AquaFunction
// list of compilation errors in Aqua code. If not empty, then compilation failed and other fields will be empty
errors: string[]

Usage example