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Core API

This chapter briefly describes the API of the lowest layer of Marine. This layer is intended to provide the most basic API for module handling. The most functionality could be tested with a help of the Marine REPL.

Calling a module

fn call(
&mut self,
module_name: impl AsRef<str>,
func_name: impl AsRef<str>,
arguments: &[IValue],
) -> MResult<Vec<IValue>>
fn call(
&mut self,
module_name: impl AsRef<str>,
func_name: impl AsRef<str>,
arguments: &[IValue],
) -> MResult<Vec<IValue>>

Invokes a function of a module inside Marine by given function name with given arguments. For more info about IValue take a look to this chapter.

Loading a module

fn load_module(
&mut self,
name: impl Into<String>,
wasm_bytes: &[u8],
config: MModuleConfig,
) -> MResult<()>
fn load_module(
&mut self,
name: impl Into<String>,
wasm_bytes: &[u8],
config: MModuleConfig,
) -> MResult<()>

Loads a new module with the provided config inside Marine. All modules should have unique names. This config allows you to flexible adjusting of the behavior of the loaded module, it has the following structure:

pub struct MarineModuleConfig<WB: WasmBackend> {
/// Maximum memory size accessible by a module in Wasm pages (64 Kb).
pub mem_pages_count: Option<u32>,
/// Maximum memory size for heap of Wasm module in bytes, if it set, mem_pages_count ignored.
pub max_heap_size: Option<u64>,
/// Defines whether Marine should provide a special host log_utf8_string function for this module.
pub logger_enabled: bool,
/// Export from host functions that will be accessible on the Wasm side by provided name.
pub host_imports: HashMap<String, HostImportDescriptor<WB>>,
/// A WASI config.
pub wasi: Option<MarineWASIConfig>,
/// Mask used to filter logs, for details see `log_utf8_string`
pub logging_mask: i32,
pub struct MarineModuleConfig<WB: WasmBackend> {
/// Maximum memory size accessible by a module in Wasm pages (64 Kb).
pub mem_pages_count: Option<u32>,
/// Maximum memory size for heap of Wasm module in bytes, if it set, mem_pages_count ignored.
pub max_heap_size: Option<u64>,
/// Defines whether Marine should provide a special host log_utf8_string function for this module.
pub logger_enabled: bool,
/// Export from host functions that will be accessible on the Wasm side by provided name.
pub host_imports: HashMap<String, HostImportDescriptor<WB>>,
/// A WASI config.
pub wasi: Option<MarineWASIConfig>,
/// Mask used to filter logs, for details see `log_utf8_string`
pub logging_mask: i32,

Unloading a module

fn unload_module(&mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> MResult<()>
fn unload_module(&mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> MResult<()>

Unloads a module from Marine by name. Use it carefully. It could crash service after the call if the module that linked with another will be unloaded.

Getting a WASI state

fn module_wasi_state<'s>(
&'s mut self,
module_name: impl AsRef<str>,
) -> Option<Box<dyn WasiState + 's>>
fn module_wasi_state<'s>(
&'s mut self,
module_name: impl AsRef<str>,
) -> Option<Box<dyn WasiState + 's>>

Returns a WASI state of a module.

Getting a module interface

fn interface(&self)
-> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, MModuleInterface<'_>)>
fn module_interface(&self, module_name: impl AsRef<str>)
-> Option<MModuleInterface<'_>>
fn module_record_types(&self, module_name: impl AsRef<str>)
-> Option<&MRecordTypes>
fn module_record_type_by_id(
module_name: impl AsRef<str>,
record_id: u64,
) -> Option<&Rc<IRecordType>>
fn interface(&self)
-> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, MModuleInterface<'_>)>
fn module_interface(&self, module_name: impl AsRef<str>)
-> Option<MModuleInterface<'_>>
fn module_record_types(&self, module_name: impl AsRef<str>)
-> Option<&MRecordTypes>
fn module_record_type_by_id(
module_name: impl AsRef<str>,
record_id: u64,
) -> Option<&Rc<IRecordType>>

These methods returns a public interface of a module, i.e. a set of all public functions and records.

Getting module memory stats

fn module_memory_stats(&self) -> MemoryStats<'_>
fn module_memory_stats(&self) -> MemoryStats<'_>

Returns a statistics of memory usage for all loaded modules.