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Abilities are a way to organize code in modules and implement inversion of control pattern in Aqua.

Ability is a product of scalars, structures, arrows and other abilities.

data Struct:
int: i8
ability Simple:
st: Struct
arrow(x: i8) -> bool
ability Complex:
simple: Simple
field: string
data Struct:
int: i8
ability Simple:
st: Struct
arrow(x: i8) -> bool
ability Complex:
simple: Simple
field: string

Creating abilities

Abilities could be created inside functions just like structures.

func main():
closure = (x: i8) -> bool:
<- x > 0
field = "complex"
MyComplex = Complex(
simple = Simple(
st = Struct(int = 0),
arrow = closure
field -- short for `field = field`
func main():
closure = (x: i8) -> bool:
<- x > 0
field = "complex"
MyComplex = Complex(
simple = Simple(
st = Struct(int = 0),
arrow = closure
field -- short for `field = field`

Passing abilities

Abilities could be passed to and returned from functions, althrough they require special syntax:

  • Abilities required by function are listed before arguments without names
  • Abilities returned by function are listed in return types just as any other types
ability Additional:
value: string
func createComplex{Simple, Additional}(int: i8) -> Complex, string:
MyComplex = Complex(
simple = Simple(
st = Struct(int = int),
arrow = Simple.arrow
field = Additional.value
<- MyComplex, Additional.value
func main() -> string, string:
closure = (x: i8) -> bool:
<- x > 0
MySimple = Simple(
st = Struct(int = 0),
arrow = closure
MyAdditional = Additional(value = "additional")
MyComplex, value = createComplex{MySimple, MyAdditional}(42)
<- MyComples.field, value
ability Additional:
value: string
func createComplex{Simple, Additional}(int: i8) -> Complex, string:
MyComplex = Complex(
simple = Simple(
st = Struct(int = int),
arrow = Simple.arrow
field = Additional.value
<- MyComplex, Additional.value
func main() -> string, string:
closure = (x: i8) -> bool:
<- x > 0
MySimple = Simple(
st = Struct(int = 0),
arrow = closure
MyAdditional = Additional(value = "additional")
MyComplex, value = createComplex{MySimple, MyAdditional}(42)
<- MyComples.field, value

Why abilities are special

Abilities are fully resolved in compile time and do not affect runtime by any means. In this sense they are more like a context or trait implementation in other languages. For this reason special syntax is used.


As abilities do not exist in runtime, they could not be put into a collection.