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You can find the latest releases of aqua-lib on NPM and changelogs are on GitHub


The most up-to-date documentation of the API is in the code, please check it out on GitHub


aqua-lib defines a number of services available on peers in the Fluence Network:

  • Op - short for "Operations". Functions for data transformation.
  • Peer - functions affecting peer's internal state
  • Kademlia - functions to manipulate libp2p Kademlia
  • Srv - short for "Service". Functions for service manipulation
  • Dist - short for "Distribution". Functions for module and blueprint distribution
  • Script - functions to run and remove scheduled (recurring) scripts

How to use it

In Aqua

Add @fluencelabs/aqua-lib to your dependencies as described in Libraries doc, and then import it in your Aqua script:

import "@fluencelabs/aqua-lib/builtin.aqua"
-- gather Peer.identify from all nodes in the neighborhood
func getPeersInfo() -> []Info:
infos: *Info
nodes <- Kademlia.neighborhood(INIT_PEER_ID, nil, nil)
for node <- nodes:
on node:
infos <- Peer.identify()
<- infos
import "@fluencelabs/aqua-lib/builtin.aqua"
-- gather Peer.identify from all nodes in the neighborhood
func getPeersInfo() -> []Info:
infos: *Info
nodes <- Kademlia.neighborhood(INIT_PEER_ID, nil, nil)
for node <- nodes:
on node:
infos <- Peer.identify()
<- infos

In TypeScript

aqua-lib is meant to be used to write Aqua scripts, and sinceaqua-lib doesn't export any top-level functions, it's not callable directly in the TypeScript.


Functions With A Variable Number Of Arguments

Currently, Aqua doesn't allow to define functions with a variable number of arguments. And that limits aqua-lib API. But there's a way around that.

Let's take Op.concat_strings as an example. You can use it to concatenate several strings. aqua-lib provides the following signature:

concat_strings(a: string, b: string) -> string
concat_strings(a: string, b: string) -> string

Sometimes that is enough, but sometimes you need to concatenate more than 2 strings at a time. Happily, under the hood concat_strings accepts any number of arguments, so you can redeclare it with the number of arguments that you want:

service MyOp("op"):
concat_strings(a: string, b: string, c: string, d: string) -> string
service MyOp("op"):
concat_strings(a: string, b: string, c: string, d: string) -> string

List of operations with a variable number of arguments

Here's a full list of other Op-s that you can apply this pattern to

  • Op.concat - can concatenate any number of arrays
  • Op.array - wraps any number of arguments into an array
  • Op.concat_string - concatenates any number of strings